Volume 2, Issue 3, 2012
Editorial Foreword
Solmaz Filiz Karabag
pages 123-124 full text
From Product Development to Production – On the Complexity of Geographical and Organizational Dispersion
Nicolette Lakemond, Kristina Säfsten, Glenn Johansson, Thomas Magnusson
pages 125-137 full text
Equilibrium Financial Exclusion: A Multi-Layered Capital Markets Structure as a Solution
Yusuf I. Mugaloglu
pages 138-146 full text
Tourism education in Sweden: Past, Present and Future
Anders Steene
pages 147-154 full text
Critical Success Factors of the Survival of Start-Ups with a Radical Innovation
Gerard Groenewegen, Frank de Langen
pages 155-171 full text
Solmaz Filiz Karabag
pages 123-124 full text
From Product Development to Production – On the Complexity of Geographical and Organizational Dispersion
Nicolette Lakemond, Kristina Säfsten, Glenn Johansson, Thomas Magnusson
pages 125-137 full text
Equilibrium Financial Exclusion: A Multi-Layered Capital Markets Structure as a Solution
Yusuf I. Mugaloglu
pages 138-146 full text
Tourism education in Sweden: Past, Present and Future
Anders Steene
pages 147-154 full text
Critical Success Factors of the Survival of Start-Ups with a Radical Innovation
Gerard Groenewegen, Frank de Langen
pages 155-171 full text