Volume 3, Issue 4, 2013
The Role of Economics in Tourism Postgraduate Research: An Analysis of Doctoral Dissertations Completed between 2000–2010
Char-lee J. McLennan, Brent D. Moyle and Betty V. Weiler
pages 181-191 full text
The Technology Management Efficiency of Banks under Taiwanese Financial Holding Companies
Ming-Chung Chang
pages 192-206 full text
Corporate Governance, Transparency and Stock Return Volatility: Empirical Evidence from the Istanbul Stock Exchange
Yusuf I. Mugaloglu and Eser Erdag
pages 207-221 full text
Foreign Capital and Stock Market Development - Do the Macro- and Microeconomic Studies Agree
Nadia Doytch
pages 222-231 full text
Linkage between Financial Development, Financial Crisis and Globalization in India: VARX and ARDL Co-integration Assessments
Takashi Fukuda
pages 232-248 full text
The Role of Economics in Tourism Postgraduate Research: An Analysis of Doctoral Dissertations Completed between 2000–2010
Char-lee J. McLennan, Brent D. Moyle and Betty V. Weiler
pages 181-191 full text
The Technology Management Efficiency of Banks under Taiwanese Financial Holding Companies
Ming-Chung Chang
pages 192-206 full text
Corporate Governance, Transparency and Stock Return Volatility: Empirical Evidence from the Istanbul Stock Exchange
Yusuf I. Mugaloglu and Eser Erdag
pages 207-221 full text
Foreign Capital and Stock Market Development - Do the Macro- and Microeconomic Studies Agree
Nadia Doytch
pages 222-231 full text
Linkage between Financial Development, Financial Crisis and Globalization in India: VARX and ARDL Co-integration Assessments
Takashi Fukuda
pages 232-248 full text